Inventor Groups

Inventor Groups

Inventor Group Meetings

The Importance of Joining an Inventor Group

A. The Inventors’ Roundtable

Join a free Inventor’s Roundtable event

Inventors Round Table [EAST]
4th MONDAY of the Month

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Inventors Round Table [CENTRAL] 
2nd Thursday of the Month

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Inventors Round Table [WEST] 
2nd Thursday of the Month

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U.S. Inventor

US Inventor is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of inventors and small businesses.

Mission: To restore inventors’ ability to stop the theft of their patented inventions 

Goals: Promote strong intellectual property rights, a predictable patent system, and innovation 

Activities: Educate members, meet with legislators, and support the Inventor Rights Act 

Founded: In 2015 by inventor Paul Morinville and fellow inventor Randy Landreneau 

US Inventor’s work includes: 

  • Advocating for legislation and administrative changes
  • Contributing pro bono legislation
  • Fighting anti-inventor legislation
  • Educating members on how to protect their ideas
  • Bringing members up to date on current legislative efforts

US Inventor’s mission is to ensure that inventors have strong patent rights to support their efforts to: 

  • Develop their inventions
  • Commercialize their inventions
  • Create jobs and industries
  • Promote continued innovation

You can check out the U.S. Inventor group by clicking here

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